Artificial Intelligence

How to find Markov Blanket

Markov Blanket Definition

In a Bayesian network, the Markov Blanket of a node is the set of the nodes comprises of the node’s parents, its children and its co-parents.

Definition: Co-parents of a node are the parents of its children.

Markov Blanket
Figure 1

Let us consider a Bayesian network as shown in Figure 1.

Markov Blanket
Figure 2

Let us now find out the Markov Blanket of X4, the node highlighted in red in Figure 2.

Markov Blanket
Figure 3

Figure 3 shows the Markov Blanket of X4Xand Xare the parents of X4X7 and X9 are the children of X4 while X6 is the co-parent of  X4.

Utility of Markov Blanket

In a Bayesian network, a node  X  is conditionally independent of all other nodes in the network given the Markov blanket. Additionally, the Markov blanket d-separates  X from all other nodes in the network.

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